Thai is part 2 of a 4 part series on Verb to be in Thai language. This episode we are talking about คือ/keu means “is equal to”, “namely”, “to be”.
Don’t miss part 1 of Verb to be in Thai language.
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Verb to be part 1 : คือ/keu
คือ/keu means ”is equal to ” ,”namely”, “to be”
It’s always followed by nouns or noun phrases and cannot be followed by an adjective.
คือ/keu links 2 equal things , giving definition, explanation, clarification of things.
nêe keu mùak
This is a hat.
“This” is the equivalent of a hat.
nêe keu ree mòht
This is a remote.
“This” is the equivalent of a remote control.
Ann keu krai
Who is Ann?
“Ann” is the explanation of who.
The other interesting use of คือ/ keu is an hesitation device when you’re sure about the answer, thinking a bout the answer or don’t want to answer.
แอนคือ คือ คือ
Ann keu.. keu..keu
Ann is..is..is
The guy is hesitate to give the answer.
Sentences mentioned on this episode
Ann pŏm kít tĕung kun
Ann, I miss you
แอน /Ann / a person name
ผม/ pŏm / I(use for male speakers)
คิดถึง/ kít tĕung/ miss, thinking of
แค่นี้นะจุ๊บ จุ๊บ
kâe née ná júp júp
Bye, kiss kiss
แค่นี้/ kâe née/ that’s it (often used to end a phone conversation)
นะ/ ná / a polite paticle to solften the conversation
จุ๊บ จุ๊บ/ júp júp / kiss kiss (mimic the sound of a kiss)
ter mee gík châi máai
Are you having a lover?
เธอ/ ter / you
มี/ mee / to have, has
กิ๊ก/ gík / lover, affair
ใช่มั้ย/ châi máai / is that right?
mâi châi gík bpen pêuan
(She is )not a lover, (she) is a friend .
ไม่ใช่/ mâi châi/ is not*
กิ๊ก/ gík / lover, affair
เป็น/ bpen / is, am, was, were**
เพื่อน/ pêuan/ friend
*ไม่ใช่/ mâi châi is the negative form of verb to be เป็น/ bpen** read more
On the next episode, you will learn the other “verb to be” in Thai language.
If you have a comment/ a suggestion or a question please leave it in the comment area below
Dear Mia
In the text above you you use the word กิ๊ก. I never heard this word. Is it probably slang, or is it similar like กิจ?
ขอบคุณมากครับ สวัสดีครับ
Hi Meier, กิ๊ก is a slang word used similar to “bit on the side” in English.
what is the english of koei
koei means have ever done something
what is the english of roo mah
Joizah : where did you see the word ” roo mah” ?
You said that bpen cannot be used with adjectives, in the positive or negative, but are there exceptions? I’m thinking of bpen huaang and mai pben rai, for example.
“bpen huaang” is a compound word and bpen is not acting as a main verb, “bpen huaang” is considered as 1 word. “mai pben rai” shorten form of “mai pben a-rai” a-rai in is phase means nothing.