This is part 5 of a 5 part series on question words in Thai language. This episode we are talking about หรือเปล่า/rĕu bplào means or not
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Don’t miss the previous lessons
- Thai Question word part 1
- Thai Question word part 2
- Thai Question word part 3
- Thai Question word part 4
Thai question words part 5
This is the forth lesson of the new series on “ Thai question words” , in Thai language the question words are at the end of question. Unlike in English where the question words are at the beginner
English : where are you from?
Thai : you (are) from where?
English : what is your name?
Thai: your name( is) what?
So, to create a question in Thai it’s very easy ,simply add a question word at the end of the statement
You like to eat + what?
She comes to Thailand+ when?
Let’s start with the second question words of this series !!!
หรือเปล่า/rĕu bplào /or not
หรือเปล่า/ rĕu bplào at the end of the statement mean “or not?” but the meaning isn’t as strong as in English, demand “yes” or “no” answer.
Answers to หรือเปล่า/ rĕu bplào question are
1. If the answer is “yes” , you can use the verb of the question as an answer.
2.if the answer is “no” you have 2 options
-ไม่/mâi +verb of the question
เปล่า/ bplào
There are 3 different varieties of หรือเปล่า/ rĕu bplào depend on the formality of the question
1.หรือเปล่า/ rĕu bplào is commonly used in written or formal conversation.
2.รึเปล่า/ réu bplào is less formal and use in everyday conversation.
3. ป่ะ/ bpà is either slang or use in casual conversation.
Sentence example
hĭw rĕu bplào
Hungry (or not)?
Answer :yes หิว/hĭw/ (I’m) hungry.
Answer :no ไม่หิว/mâi hĭw/ (I’m) hungry
rón réu bplào
Hot (or not)?
Answer :yes ร้อน/ rón /hot
Answer :no ไม่ร้อน/ mâi rón /not hot
kun rák pŏm réu bplào
(Do) you love me (or not)?
Answer :yes รัก/ rák /(yes) love
Answer :no ไม่รัก/ mâi rák /(yes) love
ao bpà
do) you want?
Answer :yes เอา/ao / (yes, I) want
Answer :no ไม่เอา/ mâi ao/no ( I don’t ) want
Now, it’s your turn to answer the question
kâo jai réu bplào
Please leave the answer in a comment area below
Bernard recently posted.. Quelques utilisations de จะ, la particule de l’inaccompli
“เข้าใจครับ ” ถูกต้องคะ
Same small problem of keyboard : )
kao jai
“kao jai” that is correct.
You could add “krap” at the end to be more polite.
Good job!!!
can i answer “chai mai kao jai krap”?
There are 2 options to answer “kâo jai réu bplào”
1.Yes : kâo jai or kráp or kà
2.No : mâi kâo jai
“châi, mâi kâo jai” mostly used to respond ” mâi kâo jai châi rěu bplào”
Then can you please tell me… what is the difference between หรือเปล่า and ใช่ไหม
because obviously you can say
seems to mean “you are hungry, or not?”
also means “you are hungry, aren’t you?