Thai Mother’s Day Song

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Thai mother's day song

Did you know??

August 12th is one of the most revered days of the year for Thai people?
Not only it’s The queen birthday but also

Thai Mother’s Day

When I was a little girl, of course I love my mom every days but Mother’s day it’s very special for Thai people. Thais even have a Mothers Day songs…2 songs actually


1. ค่าน้ำนม : kâa náam  nom : Value of Breast Milk
wanna hear this song check out womanleanthai site.

Though ‘The Value of Breast Milk’ is considered the most important and recognized song on Mother’s Day in Thailand, there is another well-known song called

2. ใครหนอ: krai nŏr : ‘Guess Who?’
which I would like to recommend to those who are learning Thai. This is to show how much Thai people place importance on their Mother’s Day.



Since 1976  , the  National  Council  on  Social  Welfare  of  Thailand (NCSWT)  has  been organizing an activity called National Mother’s Day in which the awards will be presented to outstanding mothers – also regarded as model mothers.

In National Mother’s Day 2012, the awards will go to 214 outstanding mothers.

Furthermore, the awards will also be presented to those who have expressed their gratitude to their mothers and reciprocated with high royalty.

How to select the nominees ?

For those of you who want to be selected you must fit these criteria

1. Paying constant attention to parents and taking good care of them
2. Lightening the load of their parents’ burdens
3. Obeying the parents’ instructions
4. Adhering to moral precepts and admiring their families
5. Making good contributions and being accepted in the society

See!!! it’s not that hard…..

We all have matter what the circumstances are….
No matter how is the relationship between our mother is like..
She is still our mother…

Thai mother's day song

Thai mother’s day song

When I think about my mom the first thing comes to mind is her beautiful face and her beautiful voice especially when she sing to me.

She used to be a professional singer. As you can see in the VDO, I probably got some of the talent from her more or less..

what about you?

what is the most memorable moment of your mom?

5 thoughts on “Thai Mother’s Day Song

  1. Emil, You get 100% and a gold medal for effort. I would never ever be brave enough to sing in a VDO, let alone have it published on the net! I won’t comment on the singing though :-)

    • learn2speakthai says:

      คุณคีท ทีแรกเหมียวอยากขอให้คุณช่วยร้อง แต่คิดไปคิดว่า เหมียวว่า ไม่ดีกว่า เหมียวไม่อยากเพิ่มระดับความเคลียดให้คุณค่ะ
      First, I thought of asking you instead since Emil was on a lot of my VDOs but I know I would cause your stress level to hit the roof….lol ล้อเล่นนะคะ

  2. Hello Dear Sir,
    Frist of All Thanks For give this wonderful Articles. Hope This is The Best Articles i have Ever seen. I wrote it twice because its very important for me.

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