Thai is part 2 of a 4 part series on Verb to be in Thai language. This episode we are talking about คือ/keu means “is equal to”, “namely”, “to be”.
Thai is part 2 of a 4 part series on Verb to be in Thai language. This episode we are talking about คือ/keu means “is equal to”, “namely”, “to be”.
Thai language has verb to be similar to English. Several different verbs translated to “is/an/are”, “was/were”.There are 4 most important verb to be in Thai language.This episode will be part 1 of 4 verb to be episodes. This episode will be part 1 of a 4 part verb to be series.
Feelings is universal but are there any differences between the feelings in Thai compare to English? In this episode I will show you how to express how you feel in Thai.
Reveal a secret for remembering all the 20 Thai words that use the vowel ” ใ” . Which sounds like the “I” in English, as in kite and light. In Thai there are 2 vowels represent “ai” sound which are ” ใ” and “ไ”.Which one to use when?
Thailand is one of the most famous destinations for medical tourism. Learn how to get your health check-up in Thai. Plus, learn the other use of มา/maa as the past tense indication.
Let’s go shopping for clothes !! On this episode, imagine yourself shopping for clothes in Thailand. You will learn how to ask for different sizes? ask for different colors? ask if you can try on the cloth ? and politely say no if you don’t want to buy it yet.
Learn how to buy shoes, asking for different size and color and how to bargain in Thai. Plus, tips to get better discount.
Are you one of many tourists who are returning from Thailand with lasting impressions of a Thai massage? Or you are living in Thailand and get a massage regularly as I do? Well, on this episode I will show you “how to get a massage like a Thai “
Episode 23: We will take you out for a lunch. Since the best Thai food are on the street , this episode we will show you how to order street food like a Thai. Plus, the top2 most ordered dishes among Thais.
Episode 22: Welcome back to our second “How to Thai” series! In this video you will learn how to use a red truck around Chiang Mai, ask for the price and general do’s and dont’s.